Chapter 9. The Evil
116. You should be quick in doing good, one should restrain mind from evil.The mind of somebody, who is slow in doing good, delights in evil.
117. Should a person do evil, let him not do it again and again. One should not wish for it. Accumulation of evil is painful.
118. Should a person do good , let him do it again and again. One should wish for it. Accumulation of good is pleasant.
119. An evil person may even see goodness [in his evil deeds] as long as the evil has not ripened. When the evil has ripened, then the evil person sees those evil deeds.
120. A good person may even see evil [ in his good deeds] as long as the goodness has not ripened. When the goodness has ripened, then the good person sees those good deeds.
121. Do not disregard evil, "It will not come to me!" Falling drops of watercan fill up even a water jar. The fool fills himself up with evil, even if collecting it just littleby little.
122. do not disregard goodness, "It will not come to me!" Falling drops of water can fill up even a water jar.The clever one fills himself up with goodness, even if collecting if just little by little.
123. Like a merchant with a small caraven and a lot of money would avoid a dreadful path, like someone who wants to live would avoid a poison, so should one avoide evil.
124. If there is no wound in the palm, one can carry poison with it. The poison does not affect one who is without a wound. There is no evil for one, who is notdoing it.
125. Who offends against an uncorrupted man, againsta trusting and pure person, the evil will fall back upon such a fool, like minute dust thrown against the wind.
126. Some are born in the womb; evildoers arise in hell; righteous ones go to heaven; those without taints are completely emancipated.
127. Not in the air, not in the middle of the ocean, not entering the hole in the mountains. There is no place in the world, where being one would be released from the [ consequences of ] evil deeds.
128. Not in the air, not in the middle of the ocean, not entering the hole in the mountains.There is no place in the world, where being one would not be overcome by death.