chapter 7. The Arahant
90. Pain does not exist for one, who has finished the journey, is without sorrow, who is emancipated in every respect and who has abandoned all bonds.
91. Mindful one depart; they do not find delight in houses. They abandon every abode, just like swans leave a pond.
92. Those, who do not accumulate and have well understood food, whose sphere is the void emancipation without attributes- their course is difficult to find out- like the course of the birds in the sky.
93. Whose taints are completely removed, who is not attached to food, whose sphere is the void emancipation without attributes - his course is difficult to find out - like the path of the birds in the sky.
94. Whose senses are quieted, just like horses well tamed by the charioteer, eben the gods do envy such one, who has abandoned pride and is free from taints.
95. Such a one, who is not obstructed, just like the earth, who is similar to the Indra's stake, who is virtuous, who is like a lake without mud - for such a one there is no more round of rebirth.
96. Peaceful is his mind; peaceful are his speech and deeds - of such a one, who is freed by the right knowledge and tranquil.
97. A man who is not blindly trusting, who knows the Nirvana, who has broken the connections, who has cut off the opportunities and who has given up all wishes - he is a greatest person indeed.
98. In the village or in the forest, in the valley or on the hill - wherever Arahants live, that place is pleasant.
99. delightful are the forests, where the crowd doesn'tfind delight. Those free of passion will find delight there. they are not seeking pleasures.