Chapter 26. The Brahmana
383. O brahmin, strive and cleave the stream, desires of sense discarded, knowing conditioned things decay be Knower-of-the-Uncreated.
384. When by the twofold Dhamma a Brahmin's gone beyond all the bonds of One-who-Knows have wholly desappeared.
385. For whom is found no near or far, for whom's no near of far, free of fear and fetter-free, that one I call a Brahmin True.
386. Seated stainless, concentrated, Who's work is done, who's free of taints, having attained the highest aim, that one I call a Brahmin True.
387. The sun is bright by day, the moon enlights the night, armoured shines the warrior, contemplative the Brahmin True, But all day and night-time too resplendent does the Buddha shine.
388. By Barring-out badness one's called and one is a monk by conduct serene, banishing blemishes out of oneself therefore one's known as 'one who has left home'.
389. One should not a brahmin beat nor for that should He react. Shame! Who would a Brahmin beat, more shame for any should they react.
390. For brahmin no small benefit when mind's aloof trom what is dear, As much he turns away from harm so much indeed does dukkha die.
391. In Whom there is no wrong-doing by body, speech or mind,in these three ways restrained, that one I call a Brahmin True.
392. From whom one knows the Dhamma by Perfect Buddha taught devoutly one should honour them as brahmin sacred fire.
393. By birth one id no brahmin, by family, austerity. In whom are truth and Dhamma too pure is he, aBrahmin's he.
394. What's the coile hair for? For what your cloak of skins? Whithin you are acquisitive, you decorate without.
395.One enduring rag-robes, ean, with body o'er spread by weins, lone in the woods who meditates, that one I call a Brahmin True.
396. I call him a brahmin though by womb-born mother's lineage, he's just supercilious if with sense of ownership, owning nothing ond unattached: that one I call a Brahmin True.
397. Who fettersall has severed does tremble not at all, who's gone beyond all bond, unyoked, that one I call a Brahmin True.
398. When cutting strap and reins, the rope and bridle too, tipping the shaft, he's Waked,that one I call a Brahmin True.
399. Who angerless endures abuse. Beating and imprisonment, with patience's power, an armed might: that one I Call a Brahmin True.
400. Who'sangerless and dutiful, of virtue full and free of lust, who's tamed, to final body come, that one I call a Brahmin True.
401. Like water on a lotus leaf, or mustard seed on needle point, whose clings not to sensual things, that one I call a Brahmin True.
402. Whoso in tis world comes to know cessation of all sorrow, laid down the burden, freed from bonds, that one I call a brahmin True.
403. Whose knowledge is deep, who's wise, who's skiled in ways right and wrong, having attained the highest aim, that one I call a Brahmin True.
404. Aloof alike from laity and those gone forth to homelessness, who wanders with no home or wish, that one I call a Brahmin True.
405. Who blows to being s has renounced to trembing ones, to bold, who causes not to kill nor kills ,that one I call a Brahmin True.
406. Among the hostile, friendly, among the violent, cool detached amidstthe passionate that one i call a Brahmin True.
407. From whomever lust and hate, conceit, contempt have dropped away, as mustard seed from a point of a needle, that one I call Brahmin True.
408. Who utters speech instructive, true and gentle too, who gives offence to none, that one I call a Brahmin True.
409. Who inthe world will never take what is not given, long or short, the great or small, the fair or foul, that one I call a Brahmin True.
410. In whom there are no longings found in this world or the next, longingless and free from bonds, that one I call Brahmin True.
411. In whom there is no dependence found, with Final Knowledge freed from doubt, who's plunged into the Deathless depths, that one I call a Brahmin True.
412. Here who's gone beyond both bonds to goodness and evil too, is sorrowless, unsullied, pure that one I call a Brahmin True.
413. Who, Like the moon , unblemished, pure, is clear and limpid, and in whom delights in being a consumed, that one I call a Brahmin True,
414. Who's passed this difficult path, delusion's bond, the wandering-on, who's crossed beyond,contemplative, uncraving with no questioning doubt, no clinging's fuel socoolbecome, that one I call a Brahmin True.
415. Who has abandoned lusting here as homeless one renouncing all, with lust and being quite consumed, that one I call a Brahmin True.
416. Who hasabandoned lusting here as homeless one renouncing all, with lust and being quite consumed, that one I Call a Brahmin True.
417. Abandoned all human bonds and gone beyond the bonds of gods, unbound one is from every bond, that one I call a Brahmin True.
418. Abandoned boredom and delight, become quite cool and asselless,a hero, All-worlds-conqueror, tha one I call a Brahmin True,
419. Who knows how clutching creatures die to reappear in many a mode, unclutching then, sublime, Awake, that one I call a Brahmin True.
420. Whos destination is unknown to humans, spirits or to gods, pollutions stayed, an Arahant, that one I call a Brahmin True.
421. That one who's free of everything that's past, that's present, yet to be, who nothing owns, who's unattached, that one I call a Brahmin True.
422. One noble, most excellent, heroic too, great sage and one who conquers all, who's faulthless, washed, one Awake, that one I call a Brahmin True.
423. Who so does know of former livesand sees the states of bliss and woeand then who's reached the end of births, a sage suupreme with wisdom keen, complete in all accomplishments,that one I Call a Brahmin True.