Chapter 25. The Monk
360. Right is restraint in theeye, restraint in the ear is right, rght is restraint in the nose, restraint in the tongue is right.
361. Right is restraint in the body, restraint in speech is right, right is restraint in the mind, everywhere restraint is right. The bhikkhu everywhere restrained is from all dukkha free.
362. With hands controlled and feet controlled,in inward collectedness alone, content, a bhikkhu's called.
363. Whatever bhikkhu tongue-controlled speaks wisely and whois not proud, who theory and practice con expound, sweet as honey is his speech.
364. The bhikkhu who in Dhamma dwells, in Dhamma delighting and pondering, remembering the Dhamma - he does not decline from Dhamma True.
365. He should not disdain his gains nor live of others envious, the bhikkhu who is envious does not attain collectedness.
366. Disdaining not his gains, though little he receives, pure of life and keen that bhikkhu devas praise.
367. For whom there is no making 'mine' towards all name and form, who does not grieve for what is not, he's truly 'bhikkhu' called.
368. The bhikkhu in kindness abiding, bright in the Buddha's Teaching can come to the place of peace, the bliss of conditionedness ceased.
369. O bhikkhu bail this boat, when emptied it will swiftly go. Having severed lust and hate thus to Nibbana you'll go.
370. Five cut off and five forsake, a further five then cultivate,abhikkhu from five fetter free is called a 'Forderof the flood'.
371. Meditate bhikkhu! Don't be heedless! Don't let pleasures whirl the mind! Heedless, do not gulp a glob of iron! Bewail not when burning, 'This is dukkha'!
372. No concentration wisdom lacks, no wisdom concentration lacks, in whom are both these qualities near to Nibbana in that one.
373. The bhikku gone to a lonely place who is of peaceful heart in- sees Dhamma rghtly, knows all-surpassing joy.
374. Whenever one reflects on aggregates' arise and fall one rapture gains and joy. ' Tis Deathless for Those-who-know.
375. Here's indeed the starting point for the bhikku who is wise, sense-controlled, contented too, restrained to limit freedom ways ,in company of noble friends who're pure of life and keen.
376. One should be hospitable and skilled in good behaviour, thereby grestly joyful come to dukkha's end.
377. Just as the jasmine sheds its shrivelled flowers all, O bhikkhus so should you lust, aversion shed.
378. The bhikkhu calmed of body, speech, calmed and well-composed of mind, who world-enjoyments has renounced, 'one calmed' indeed is truly called.
379. By yourself exhort yourself! By yourself restrain yourself! So mindful and self-guarded too, happily, bhikkhu, will you live.
380. Oneself is refuge of oneself and one is a haven for oneself, therefore one should check oneself as a merchant with a splendid horse.
381. The bhikkhu full of joy and faith, bright in the Buddha's Teaching can come to the place of peace, the bliss of conditionedness ceased.
382. Surely that youthful bhikkhu who strives in the BUddha's Teaching illuminates all this world as moon when free from clouds.